Best 7 FPS Games on Android in 2024

Android’s expanding game catalogue includes a varied selection of first-person shooter (FPS) titles. Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon to come across terrible first-person shooter games with clumsy gameplay, subpar performance, and annoying controls. or low-quality imitations that reduce your expensive gaming phone to the size of a potato. However, the best Android games frequently withstand the test of time, as seen by several first-person shooter games, which even surpass some of the most recent mobile first-person shooter games in terms of gameplay quality.

Excellent first-person shooter games should ideally offer more customisation choices to fit your desired gaming style, like the ability to connect and use your favourite Android controllers to intensify your FPS sessions. Sometimes, though, they won’t allow you to adjust the settings to achieve the desired performance. It’s time to play Ge1 Doom! After taking into account all the variables that might create or break the user experience, we’ve decided to examine and assess which first-person shooter games on Android are the best.

One of the greatest Android games with gamepad support; happily, the touch controls work just as well. One of the all-time greats and the founder of first-person shooter games is Doom. In essence, the game is credited with defining and revolutionising the genre as a whole. And now, with Bethesda’s 25th anniversary rerelease, everyone can grab up and play the well-known classic straight on Android. The version available on the Play Store has been updated with higher framerates and the “The Flesh Consumed” addition to provide a fluid gameplay experience.

1 Doom

Since its introduction in 2019, Call of Duty Mobile has amassed over 500 million downloads, making it unquestionably the best first-person shooter game available for Android. Even after a few years have passed, the game is still going strong.

When it comes to gaming, first-person shooter games don’t usually age well with evolving hardware, so you have higher expectations for how they’ll work. After all, if all you can do is play those games on a new phone at capped performance with the same graphics settings, why would you want to upgrade? This problem has never affected Call of Duty Mobile. Call of Duty Mobile offers a wide variety of game modes, including zombies and battle royale, in addition to modes that were included in the original games, such as team deathmatch with a tonne of classic maps. It was already ahead of its time and is still growing its enormous fan base. This is a hard one to top because it’s an excellent all-in-one package offer.

2 Call of Duty Mobile

It would be impossible to discuss PUBG Mobile without bringing up its sister title, PUBG: New State. In contrast, PUBG: New State is equally good and somewhat more suited for mobile devices. However, PUBG Mobile and New State differ in terms of age and content. Even while New State is far more recent than PUBG Mobile, it still has the ability to overcome the latter, which is the more experienced battle royale between the two with a larger player population. While weapon customisation is also available in New State, PUBG is renowned for introducing a complex weapon upgrading system. Determining which game is deserving of the attention will become much more difficult as New State catches up to PUBG Mobile. For the time being, most are playing on PUBG Mobile.

3 PUBG Mobile

Almost like an FPS more akin to CS: GO than Call of Duty. It is, if it were an unofficial mobile version of CS: GO. In addition to playing single-player and multiplayer (including ranked), you may also gather weapon skins, form clans, and sell your skins in the marketplace. Not everyone will enjoy it, as the gameplay in CS: GO is far slower paced than in traditional arcade-style first-person shooters, necessitating a great deal of patience as you navigate small levels in order to eliminate your opponents. The quickest way to lose a match is to charge into the situation without a strategy, therefore practicing is essential to dealing with Standoff 2 in the long run.

4 Standoff 2

Primarily a single-player zombie first-person shooter, Dead Effect 2 accurately captures the spirit of the genre. It is uncannily similar to the popular science fiction horror film Dead Space, and it keeps up the graphic violence to create a spooky environment in which players must try to survive a zombie apocalypse. Dead Effect 2’s sophisticated and compelling storyline makes it worthwhile to play through, even though it still has enough polished moments to feel like a console game. Because the first game may be skipped, you can safely go directly into the sequel, which you should really consider because it’s a significant improvement over the original.

5 Dead Effect 2

Combat Master Mobile appears to be a ripoff of Call of Duty Mobile at first appearance. However, upon closer inspection, it’s more than simply a decent side grade. Combat Master Mobile’s fairly drab material is its lone drawback, but fortunately the well-polished gameplay more than makes up for it. The game also has a number of multiplayer options, including team deathmatch, rapid play, and battle royale. To add some spice, it also has limited-time, seasonal modes like Arms Race and Bomb Plant. All things considered, the similarity to Call of Duty Mobile is a big bonus, but the considerably smaller area size and customised experience make it an excellent Android game to get your adrenaline pumping.

6 Combat Master Mobile

Another excellently made mobile CS: GO clone that isn’t official. Seasonal updates for Critical Ops include frequent gameplay upgrades, limited edition skins, themed mini modes, and a critical pass. There are lots of weapon skins to obtain and unique game types to play, like team deathmatch and ranked, aside from seasonal content.

The game has already received over 96 million downloads because to the enthusiastic community and cooperative developers. These Critical Ops developers are more responsive than others when you have a worry to share; you may reach them on their individual social media accounts, which include Reddit and YouTube. These developers consistently release updates with bug fixes, stability patches, and anti-cheating measures to enhance the user experience. After all, the community’s trust in the developer keeps games like this one alive and well.

7 Critical Ops

Modern Combat 5: mobile FPS is the place to go if you want a highly customisable first-person shooter experience. You can select from ten classes in Modern Combat 5 that have different shooting methods, such as assault, maurader, and sniper. Variety in game modes is also unaffected. Playing through the narrative, joining pub matches, or plunging straight into regularly scheduled events featuring well-known modes like battle royale, team deathmatch, and capture the flag will satisfy any need.

In order to communicate with your squad in real time, the game also features native voice chat functionality. The fact that Modern Combat 5 has a well-established player base makes it even easier to find matches. As of right now, Modern Combat 5 is still in a stable state, so you shouldn’t be concerned about it getting worse very soon.Have those weapons ready and filled!

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