While PC gamers have access to an endless selection of MMORPGs, console gamers may find their options somewhat limited. That doesn’t mean you’re out of luck, but many PlayStation 4 users will discover that there isn’t a lot of choice. That being said, we’ve compiled a list of the greatest massively multiplayer online role-playing games available for download and enjoyment on the venerable platform.
Best 11 PlayStation 4 MMORPGs You Need To Play Xbox, Nintendo
In this article you can find out the best MMORPGs Games that you can play on PlayStation 4, Xbox and Nintendo list are below;
11. Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis

Platform: PC PS4 Xbox One XSX|S Switch
Release Date: Jun 9, 2021
Steam | PlayStation | Xbox
Due to its immense popularity, Phantasy Star Online soon saw a follow-up release. Nevertheless, the game was exclusively available in Japanese markets. Although the game took years to release globally, users can now enjoy this massively multiplayer online role-playing game. You’re following a character who recently earned their ARKS cadet diploma. If you’ve played the MMORPG already, Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis offers a fresh plot and a number of improvements. As previously said, this is a continuation of Phantasy Star Online 2, but with additional improvements. Thankfully, your achievements from Phantasy Star Online 2 will transfer over, and most importantly, the two games will work together. Thus, you have the option to finish Phantasy Star Online 2 before starting the New Genesis narrative.
10. Trove

PC | Xbox | PlayStation | Nintendo
Trove, an action MMORPG at heart, is mostly about treasure hunting and dungeon exploration with friends. Most MMO games, on the other hand, tend to be quite light on action and lean more towards strategy and resource management. Trove offers an enormous selection of classes, so there’s something for everyone to pick from as you explore its totally destructible realms in the never-ending hunt for treasure. To create a genuinely unique MMORPG experience, you can also build in a style akin to that of games like Terraria and Minecraft. The fact that Trove is free to play and constantly updated with new material is what stands out the most. There’s practically always something to do while playing.
9. Onigiri

PC | Xbox | PlayStation
With the 2014 release of Onigiri, gamers can enter a fantasy world reminiscent of ancient Japan. This MMORPG in the anime style has a vibrant and energetic cast of characters, as well as a large and explorable setting. The game follows players as they try to cleanse the world of various creatures and beasts without getting too deep into the story. Along the journey, you’ll be doing this with other players and NPCs.
Players take out foes in this straightforward hack-and-slash game by avoiding and blocking assaults. Players will have much to do as they uncover the various secrets the world has to offer, with a good amount of stuff to locate and equip. It’s important to note that an anime version of the game was produced a few years ago, providing players with additional details about the game’s environment and characters.
8. Star Trek Online

PC | Xbox | PlayStation
Given how widely known Star Trek is, it wasn’t shocking when a Star Trek MMORPG was eventually released a few years ago. A few decades have passed since the events of Star Trek: Nemesis, and the United Federation of Planets and the Klingon Empire are engaged in a protracted conflict once more. This is where Star Trek Online is set. In the game, players assume command of their ship and travel through space in the capacity of a captain.
Exploration sections that let players descend to several worlds feel a lot like classic third-person role-playing games. The game was formerly available only as a premium download, but it is now available for free. It has a following, for sure, but gamers who are already fans of the Star Trek series will probably find it most interesting. Nevertheless, the game is being supported today, offering both seasoned players and new players new content. If you’re new to the game, there’s a ton of content to discover.
7. Neverwinter

PC | Xbox | PlayStation | Nintendo
The game Neverwinter has been around for a while. This game was first released in 2013 for the PC, and in 2016 it was made available to PlayStation 4 users. With this high-fantasy game centred around the Dungeons & Dragons franchise, gamers may anticipate gameplay like to that of World of Warcraft, which is still among the most popular MMORPGs out there. Unfortunately, console compatibility has never been offered for it. (The developers of Neverwinter are most likely happy.)
A variety of classes in this action-packed massively multiplayer online role-playing game will influence the way players advance. Classic fantasy classics like roguettes as stealth units and barbarians as tank fighters are introduced in Neverwinter. This game has been around for a while, as was previously said, but it does have some in-game material that you can buy to improve your gameplay and save you from having to grind a lot. You should give this free-to-play game a try.
6. DC Universe Online

PC | Xbox | PlayStation | Nintendo
In the massively multiplayer online role-playing game DC Universe Online, users take control of original DC Comics characters. In addition to character customisation, you will be able to select whether your character is a hero or a villain. Before being released into the world, players will eventually be able to customise their character by giving them special abilities. Despite some conflicting reviews online, this free-to-play game is still worth checking out to see if it’s worth your time. There is a tonne of content to experience in the game, if you do find it enjoyable!
The game was released in 2011, and since then, multiple extra events referred to as Episodes have been added to it. It’s possible that an episode will feature material centred around your favourite DC Comics character since certain episodes focus on particular characters, factions, or groups. There is plenty of gameplay available for new players to enjoy for months or years to come, since the development firm at Dimensional Ink Games has released around forty episodes to date. (The seasonal events are not included in it!) The comic book series DC Universe Online: Legends provides some additional background information on the game’s universe if you wish to carry on having fun outside of the game. It’s important to remember, though, that the series had a limited run and is now over.
5. Tera

PC | Xbox | PlayStation
As an MMORPG, Tera has been available since 2011 and is a rather well-known game. The game was eventually released on the PlayStation 4 only in 2018. Players can choose from a wide variety of races and classes, and there is a significant amount of character customisation accessible, just like in most MMORPGs. In this open-world action-RPG, players are free to run around and launch barrages of attacks at their adversaries. Every class offers a somewhat distinct combat style.
Regretfully, you’ll probably need to invest a significant amount of time browsing through internet tutorials to determine the ideal playstyle for each character class. Apart from that, there are lots of expansive areas to discover and a significant amount of dungeon crawling, which is best done in a group with pals. Like in other MMORPGs, completing certain quests requires some grinding. Although it’s not necessary to spend money, doing so will let you avoid part of the grind. The various in-game events that appear can also be utilised by players to improve their overall experience.
4. Black Desert

PC | Xbox | PlayStation
At launch, Black Desert attracted a lot of attention. Many players seemed to find great satisfaction in a game that had stunning graphics, intense fighting, a dynamic weather system, and day and night cycles in a fantastical environment. Since its release, the game has drawn more and more players, most of whom think that the intricate character development process is among the highlights of the experience.
There are numerous missions to choose from, and the fighting is primarily hack-and-slash in nature. That can be rather entertaining to certain people since strategy is abandoned. Others may find it rapidly boring. There have been some complaints about people experiencing frame rate decreases when exploring. Crimson Desert, the planned prequel game, has subsequently been reworked to become a stand-alone game. Regretfully, the game is exclusive to the newest generation of platforms; the PlayStation 4 will not receive it. Still, if you like Black Desert, it could be interesting to see where the series goes from here.
3 The Elder Scrolls Online

PC | Xbox | PlayStation
There have been several Elder Scrolls games for many years. The high-fantasy franchise, which takes players on epic adventures where they meet fascinating characters, engage in missions, find treasure, and constantly modify their characters with new equipment and enhanced abilities, is an absolute hit with players. The Elder Scrolls Online offers an option for those who want a little more content to slog through before the next mainline installment, even though the franchise has been stuck on The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim for a while. This game was first released in 2014 for the PC, however it has since been released on consoles.
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Although the game is similar to previous Elder Scrolls games, it can only be played online and allows gamers from all over the world to explore together. Having said that, it’s important to note that even while the game takes place online, there are still a tonne of missions and other materials available for those who would want to proceed at their own leisure and enjoy it alone. A millennium before the events of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, the game takes place on the continent of Tamriel.
With many side missions to do, players can select their race and begin their journey. You may be playing the newest DLC, High Isle, if you’ve been enjoying the game and taking advantage of the events available. In the most recent chapter of the game, players go to the Bretons’ home islands and are introduced to a variety of new features, including a new in-game card game that requires constructing a deck. In addition, there will be additional objectives, goods, and collectibles to uncover.
2 Final Fantasy XIV

Nearly everyone has played the popular JRPG series Final Fantasy at some point. Final Fantasy XIV has been one of the more well-liked games in the series; so much so that sales of the game were suspended earlier this year in order to avoid server overload. Even though there are multiple expansions to complete and a lengthy primary questline for beginning players, most fans agree that it’s worth the time. It’s always recommended to seek for help because the game has one of the most welcoming and friendliest communities of any MMORPG.
There are a ton of missions to complete and enormous regions to explore. Players may anticipate a plethora of captivating content to relish every day when they log in, as character development is quite intricate. XIV is a fantastic starting place for anyone who has never played a Final Fantasy game.
There are several PlayStation 4 versions of Final Fantasy XIV that can be bought. It’s a stand-alone game with a distinct plot and cast of characters. Starting with the free trial, which allows players to reach level 60 but has several unpleasant limitations, might be worthwhile.
1. Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker

The much-anticipated PvP improvements are joined by the addition of two new jobs, Sage and Reaper, in the cherished MMO Final Fantasy XIV expansion. The protagonist and their friends travel to Old Sharlayan and beyond in Endwalker, the fourth significant expansion. Enhancing the extensive main story, Final Fantasy XIV lets players learn all classes by switching between them instead of requiring them to choose one at first. Numerous additional major and side missions are added around Eorzea in this expansive adventure. If fighting isn’t your thing, you can build your own home or flat, go fishing, or explore the area via mining and foraging. In order to relieve the strain on the overloaded servers, Final Fantasy XIV sales were temporarily suspended due to the enormous popularity of the Endwalker expansion.